Fire Emergency Evacuation & Zone Plans (FEZP)
It's important for businesses to be prepared for emergencies, especially fires. Having fire evacuation plans, can be the difference between a minor inconvenience and a major disaster.
In the event of a fire, every second counts.
Your fire evacuation plans and fire zone plans help keep your employees, customers, and property safe.
What are Fire Evacuation Plans and Fire Zone Plans?
Fire Evacuation Plan
The evacuation plan outlines procedures for helping everyone evacuate the building quickly and safely in the event of an emergency.
Fire Zone Plan
By displaying these zone plans near the alarm panels emergency services can quickly identify the location of the fire and allocate resources more efficiently.
Do I need a Fire Evacuation Plan?
If any of the following apply to you, then it is a legal requirement to have a written Fire Evacuation plan:​
You own a business and have five or more employees working for you.
It's a Licenced Premises
(e.g. cinema, pub, club, theatre).
You've been issued with an Alterations Notice.